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Amateur FA Announcement

2019/20 Strategy

2019/2020 New Strategy

The Amateur Football Alliance announces that, with effect from season 2019/20, it will adopt a change of strategy whereby it will concentrate on its core and unique offering to ground level grassroots football, being the transition from youth to adult competitive football and the further development of adult competitive football outside of the National League System pyramid.

It is intended that this will be developed in conjunction with The FA on a national basis commensurate with its available resources. The Amateur FA welcomes this opportunity to refocus upon its strengths and as a result of this their major responsibility for youth football will be assumed by adjoining County FAs. The Amateur FA will work closely with these County FAs to ensure that youth football continues to thrive.

Amateur FA Chief Executive Officer, Jason Kilby said: “We’re really excited about aligning our resources with our core offering. To build further on our strong, successful foundation of competitive yet fun and hospitable football, marks out the Amateur FA as a special, important part of the football family. 

Chair of National Game Board, Mervyn Leggett added: “The FA fully supports the decision of the Amateur Football Alliance to focus on adult football participation. We will continue to work in partnership with the organisation as an Affiliated Association to build on its unique offer in adult football, as well as supporting new opportunities to grow participation in men’s and women’s football.”



How does this affect my youth team?

For the 2019/20 season, existing youth clubs and teams will affiliate to the Amateur FA as normal. In August 2019, once the affiliation period is complete, youth clubs and teams will have their Parent affiliation changed to their geographic County FA. Clubs will retain a secondary affiliation to the Amateur FA.

The Amateur FA will support the transition period in partnership with the County FA and the Football Association.

Who are the geographic County FAs?

We work in partnership with our local CFAs where we overlap. These are London FA; Middlesex FA; Surrey FA; Essex FA, Kent FA & Hertfordshire FA.

How does this affect my Adult club with youth teams?

Your youth teams’ Parent affiliation will transfer to the geographic CFA. The adult team Parent Affiliation stays with the Amateur FA.

Will a club being affiliated to two Associations cause problems or more work?

It shouldn’t do. All administration is consistent using the Whole Game System, a Club Secretary may see two tabs on WGS one for the Adult section and one for the youth section. The Amateur FA and new youth teams CFA will work closely with the handful of clubs in this situation.

Can a youth team/club stay with the Amateur FA?

Not as its Parent County. The Amateur FA will no longer hold youth club Parent affiliations for youth clubs. The club will still be secondary affiliated to the Amateur FA and may participate in Youth Cups etc.

Will the Youth Cup competitions continue?

Yes, we will build on the success of recent years to provide Youth Cup competitions to all secondary affiliated youth clubs if they wish to enter.

Can an Adult club with youth teams move CFA?

No, those clubs can only move CFA if they leave the area covered by their Parent CFA.

Can I talk to someone about this?

Definitely, call 0208 733 2613 and speak to any of the team.

Why is the Amateur FA making this change?

The Amateur FA board have decided to focus its limited resources on its core strengths to give as many member clubs the best service and value for money as possible.

Who should we report Safeguarding concerns to?

Club Welfare Officers should report to their County FA DSO. If there is any doubt, contact Sarah Robinson (DSO) on

Essex FA DSO – Helen Hever -

Hertfordshire FA DSO- Richard Drake -

Kent FA DSO- Val Hajialexandrou

London FA DSO- Yasmin Dyer

Middlesex FA DSO - Sharon Porter

Surrey FA DSO - Phil Rendell

What happens to Youth Leagues affiliated to the Amateur FA?

Youth leagues will be affiliated/sanctioned by the CFA with the most affiliated teams in that league.