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Affiliation Season 21-22

The Amateur FA Affiliation Portal for the 2021/2022 season will open on Whole Game System on Tuesday 1st June 2021.

We are pleased to announce that the Amateur FA Affiliation Portal for the 2021/2022 season will open on Whole Game System on Tuesday 1st June 2021.

The deadline for affiliations is 15th August 2021. We have canvassed opinion from leagues to decide on this date. Any affiliation after this date will be subject to a late affiliation fee (NB. this is not relevant for University, Medical School and Further Education clubs).

If you have any further queries once you’ve read this document, please email us at


A reminder that now both Public Liability Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance can be purchased through the affiliation portal at Stage 6. This will be through our recommended providers, Sportsguard.

download the sportsguard brochure here

Personal Accident & Public Liability Insurance are mandatory for all clubs. Personal Accident is required per team and Public Liability per club. Please note that clubs must have Public Liability cover of at least £10,000,000.

As ever, clubs are may obtain insurance from their preferred insurer, subject to the minimum requirements under FA regulations.


Club affiliation - £48.00 per club

Small sided club fee - £15 per club

Team affiliation:

11v11 football - £25.00 per team – this fee is normally £35.00 but for this season the fee includes the FA £10.00 discount

Small sided football - £5.00 per team - this fee is normally £15.00 but for this season the fee includes the FA £10.00 discount

County Cups

We are pleased to announce that entry into the Amateur FA County Cups will be free for the 21/22 season!

We will announce separately which cups will be running for the 21/22 season and how to enter them, further to consultation with the Amateur FA Cup Committee.

Outstanding Fees and player suspensions

Clubs will not be allowed to affiliate unless they have cleared all outstanding balances.

Please ensure all outstanding invoices are paid (check your Amount Outstanding on the Whole Game System)

Please ensure all player suspensions from last season have been assigned fixtures (unless the suspension is carrying over to the new season 20/21). Use the drop-down menu on the Whole Game System to access previous seasons.


If you have a team with any players aged under 18, then all managers and coaches (including assistants), plus first aiders / physios, should have an in-date FA DBS and be listed against the relevant team on the Whole Game System. For information on FA DBS checks, please click here.

You must identify all 16 and 17 year old players at your club and record them on the Whole Game System. Clubs with any players under the age of 18, should also adopt, adhere, and implement an appropriate Safeguarding Children’s Policy. If you need guidance on this, please contact the County FA, Designated Safeguarding Officer on

Committee members at a club with any under 18 players should complete the The FA’s Safeguarding for Committee Members online course. For information about Safeguarding courses please click here.

Please see our Safeguarding page on the Amateur FA website for further information on all things Safeguarding. 

Player Registration

Player registration is mandatory from season 21/22.

There is a new club and league portal to make player registration easier and quicker. Watch the below video for guidance on completing your player registration.

player registration training video

You can access the player registration portal through your Whole Game System login. 

Logging in to Whole Game System

log into whole game here

If you don’t know your password, please use -

The following video also offers step by step guidance on the process of club affiliation through the Whole Game System:

watch it here

Find out how to get the most out of the Whole Game System, with The FA’s Knowledge Hub.


Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, our funding has been cut by the FA.

The Amateur FA, as with many organisations, has been impacted heavily by the Covid pandemic.

Every County FA is responsible for its own affiliation fees. This is based on the individual financial situation of each County FA. It is impossible to compare County FAs and we have no ability to make a like-for-like comparison. County FAs operate within their own economic and demographic situations.

Every County FA is run as an independent organisation, working with a different number of players, clubs and leagues. Some have facilities from which they can generate income, for example.

Other County FA’s have accumulated profits year on year from their clubs, whereas the Amateur FA predominantly try to balance our budget.

Finally, other CFAs charge large affiliation fees and compulsory cup entry (with large fees for professional clubs for withdrawing) and we at the Amateur FA want to avoid doing this.

a) The Amateur FA has taken advantage of the government furlough scheme, which supported the business.

b)    All other costs have been reviewed within the organisation, such as home working, and we have renegotiated all utility and business operations costs to minimise our overall costs.