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Disciplinary Hearings


Every individual or Club has the right to request a Personal Hearing to deny a misconduct charge raised against them, or present mitigation in person to plead for leniency.

If you have submitted evidence against an individual or Club which has resulted in a misconduct charge being raised, you may be asked to attend a Personal Hearing to present your evidence and answer questions relating to it in person.

We acknowledge that disciplinary hearings can be a daunting experience, no matter how old or experienced you may be. There are very strict regulations for the format of disciplinary hearings in order to ensure there is fairness and consistency across all hearings throughout the country. This page provides additional information relating to the misconduct process, the kinds of disciplinary hearings that may occur, and what you can expect on the night.

Please note that the Disciplinary Commission is entitled to adopt whatever procedures they deem appropriate to ensure the hearing is considered in an appropriate and fair manner.

Disciplinary Hearing Guides

personal hearing support guide

player and club guide to hearings

MAtch official guide to hearings

Under 18 guide to hearings