Referee issues a yellow card.

Temporary Dismissal Training

Four presentations relating to the implementation of temporary dismissals (sin bins) will be delivered across the AFA region in August.

Temporary dismissals were piloted among a number of leagues last season, including the Southern Amateur League, and proved a great success, with dissent cases reducing by 37%.

The system will become mandatory in all grassroots football from 2019/20 - so, to pre-empt this, the Amateur Football Combination has agreed to become the second AFA pilot league for season 2018/19.

To assist this process, the development team has set up dates and venues for four presentation sessions spread across the London area on the subject of sin bins. John Monk, Football Administrator at the AFA, will be leading on this project, which is based on the standard presentation put together by The FA. 

The presentations will cover:

1. The Authority
2. The Pilot and Results
3. The Next Steps
4. Sin Bins in Operation
5. Open Forum

Each presentation will take about an hour and each one will start at 7.00 pm.  The dates and venues are:

Tuesday 14 August

Middlesex FA Headquarters
Rectory Park Avenue
Rectory Park

Wednesday 15 August

Old Finchleians FC
12 Southover
Woodside Park
N12 7JE

Tuesday 21 August

Surrey FA Headquarters
Meadowbank Football Ground
Mill Lane

Wednesday 22 August

Bealonians FC
The Jack Carter Pavilion
Oakfield Playing Fields

Mark Freedman, Southern Amateur Football League Assistant Referees Secretary, said: “After initially dealing with negative comments, once officials got used to the system the majority of comments were positive - from both players and referees.”

Level 5 referee, Ronnie Robinson, added: “As a referee, I had some initial concerns, but as the season progressed I thought the trial was a success, with a noticeable reduction in dissent.”

All referees on the AFC panel are urged to try and attend one of the sessions. It will also benefit clubs to attend and gain a greater understanding of how dissent will be treated in their league next season.

Spaces MUST be booked, so if you are interested, please contact John on to secure your place.

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