Defibrillator Saves Life
Defibrillator Saves Life
On Saturday 8th Hersham Sports and Social travelled to Bank of England to play in the West London Veterans league.
An unfortunate turn of events saw Hersham Vets player Steve Livey collapse and have a heart attack during the game. However with an extremely quick response from Matt Taylor, a Bank of England player who was first to the scene and turned Steve on his back, assessed there was no pulse and commenced chest compressions. Jerry Jones another BoE player, also provided quick thinking by running to reception and grabbing the defibrillator. That piece of kit played a very important role in saving Steve’s life.
As well as Matt and Jerry, Eloise Newton, a player from Thamesians Rugby club, and two first aiders who resuscitated him and kept his heart going until an ambulance, arrived.
We are proud of the members involved in saving Steve’s life and are pleased to hear that he is recovering well. We would like to thank those mentioned for their heroic actions.
This incident shows just how important First Aid Training is and how vital defibrillators are to clubs.
We run an Introduction to First Aid in Football (IFAIF) course in which would be beneficial.
To book your place on an upcoming course
We also want to make sure as many clubs have access to life saving equipment such as a defibrillator. You can register your interest and be notified when phase three of the FAs defibrillator issuing here:
You can also purchase a defibrillator from our Partners Koolpak