
Become an SSE Wildcats Girls' Football Centre


The application window to apply to become an SSE Wildcats Centre opened on Thursday 1 November 2018.

Could you create and deliver sustainable football for 5-11 year old girls, providing them with opportunities to experience football for the first time in a fun and safe environment?

The FA and SSE have developed an initiative designed to inspire girls aged between 5-11 to be involved in football.

SSE Wildcats Girls’ Football Centres provide girls with regular opportunities to play football and take part in organised sessions in a fun and engaging environment. In 2018, over 800 centres took part, getting over 20,000 girls’ playing football.

We are now looking for even more organisations to get take part and support our mission to double girls’ participation by 2020.

The sessions take place on a weekly basis, either after school or at weekends, subject to each local organiser. They provide a safe environment where girls who don’t currently play the game can have fun engaging with sport, make new friends, develop fundamental skills, try a variety of sessions and create foundations for a lifelong love of sport.

Each SSE Wildcats Girls Football Centre is run in conjunction with local County FAs, utilising qualified coaches and local facilities to offer girls a location nearby where they can get involved.

In 2017-18, the Amateur FA supported the delivery of 12 Wildcat Centres and are looking to introduce further Centres in 2018-19 to further enhance to growth of girls football in and around London.

What are the benefits of being an SSE Wildcats Centre?

Organisations that become an approved SSE Wildcats Centre can access various benefits that include:

• Access to a start-up grant of £900
• National marketing and promotional support to launch your centre
• Centre support, including staff induction training and CPD sessions
• Kit, equipment and resources
• FA Coach Mentor Support
• Supports the development and growth of girls teams

The application window for organisations who would like to deliver an SSE Wildcats Girls’ Football Centre opened on Thursday 1 November 2018 and will close on Tuesday 4 December 2018.


The SSE Wildcats Centre application guidance can be downloaded HERE

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Samantha Brown on samantha.brown@amateur-fa.com or 020 8733 2613 option 4.

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