London Sport June Newsletter
Find the latest news from London Sport in their June newsletter, including new funding opportunities. We have picked out the highlights below.
Please read the funding criteria carefully before making an application to ensure you meet the needs of the fund.
Inspiring active communities
Versus Arthritis have Tackling Inequalities funding from Sport England to reduce the negative impact of covid-19 and the widening of the inequalities in sport and physical activity through increasing availability of exercise opportunities in local communities. The fund will be available to organisations to help support people with long-term health conditions to get active via grants of between £1,000 and £5,000.
Designing London’s Recovery Programme
The Mayor of London, with the Design Council, has launched a programme placing design-led innovation at the heart of London's covid-19 recovery. Organisations can apply for a share of £500,000 to help respond to three key challenges. The deadline for applications is 15 June.
Sustainability and fundraising support
StreetGames have organised a programme of eight different learning webinars for the sector covering; investment, demonstrating the need, writing fundraising plans, budget plans and terminology, monitoring and evaluation and more. The free sessions have been devised to cater for different levels of experience. Email Emma.
Funding for Black-led charities and social enterprises
Organisations can apply for unrestricted grants of £5,000 or £12,500 to help them, develop new enterprising activities and earned income strategies, test the viability of specific propositions and develop clear implementable action plans. The people benefitting should identify as Black or Mixed with Black. Deadline 25 June.
Sporting Capital Fund
A social investment fund operating with the objective of helping organisations that make a difference by developing people and communities through sport. The fund provides loans to support organisations become financially sustainable by creating new, or retaining and expanding existing, revenue streams. Loans up to £150,000.
Henry Smith, Strengthening Communities
This fund focuses on funding small charitable organisations working at grassroots level, to ensure that funding reaches the most disadvantaged areas, targeting places that are economically marginalised and affected by poverty. Between £20,000 and £60,000 can support work for one to three years. Rolling deadline.
Opportunities through sport fund
The Peter Harrison Foundation seeks to support sporting activity or projects which provide opportunities for people who are disabled or otherwise disadvantaged to fulfil their potential and to develop other personal and life skills. They will consider applications for capital, revenue or project funding. Apply here.
Kits for Kids funding
The Poundland Foundation is looking to support local sports clubs or organisations looking to support their teams with kit of equipment up to a cost of £750.
Central Social and Recreational Trust fund
Grants are available for sports clubs and organisations to provide or assist in the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure for the benefit of disadvantaged children who are under 21. Funding is available for equipment for club members, or maintenance of properties, as long as the property is owned by the club or there is a significant lease period.
Tesco Community Grants
Up to £1,500 of Tesco funding is available to support good causes that focus on supporting children and families, including, breakfast and holiday clubs, activities to support mental health, activities or equipment to reduce social isolation, equipment/kit for sports teams, services or equipment to support health issues such as cancer or dementia and equipment for village/community halls. Apply now.
DWF Charitable Foundation
One-off funding for projects that address issues of homelessness, employability, education, health and well being by tackling a specific community issue, helping voluntary and community groups become more effective and efficient encouraging the involvement in the community of those too often excluded, enabling young people to develop skills for the benefit of the community.
download the full edition of the newsletter here